Programme And Module Handbook
Programme Specification

Date Specification Approved 03/11/2023
College College Social Sciences
School Birmingham Business School
Department Management
Partner College and School
Collaborative Organisation and Form of Collaboration
Qualification and Programme Title B.Sc. International Business with Language Full-time
Programme Code 6431
Delivery Location Campus
Language of Study English
Length of Programme 4 Year(s)
Accreditations This programme has no outside accreditations
Aims of the Programme Today's business is increasingly international in scope with enormous advantages in combining knowledge of modern business with the additional international advantage of a second language. This programme aims to develop the intellectual, analytical, problem-solving and communication skills of students by providing them with a breadth of knowledge of business management, together with the transferable skills (e.g. in group and team working) that are necessary to apply this knowledge in new and challenging contexts. This is combined with a thorough grounding in language for business. The underlying philosophy of the programme is that students study all aspects of business management and whilst they have some flexibility to follow their own interests, they do not become overly specialised in one business related theme. However, the programme develops a thorough understanding of Business Management as a broad discipline and develops an appreciation of research relevant to that discipline, together with a focus on language for business. In consultations with employers we are told the broad based knowledge that our graduates bring to their graduate careers is valued.The fact that business is conducted today in a global environment and that this necessitates interaction to interact with other markets and cultures, means an international underpinning is to be found in most modules. In addition, the programme progresses an understanding of the role of individuals and business in society. It develops effective problem-solving skills and an ability to communicate well using a range of media. The programme recognises the increasing role of business in society and so develops knowledge of ethical issues and practices across the discipline whilst evolving awareness of individual and collective citizenship as a part of responsible business. An appreciation of other contemporary issues such as entrepreneurship and knowledge management is provided throughout the programme. Year One is a foundation year and therefore is compulsory. In this year students take 40 credits of language-based modules and all the key themes of the International Business programme, i.e. Organisations and Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Communications, Accounting and Finance, and Economics are introduced, and students are given the theoretical under-pinning in the subject areas they continue in later years. Year Two students must take at least 40 credits of language, as well as 40 compulsory credits from International Business, together with 40 credits of the other optional modules available. Although still broad based, modules begin to become more focused and specialised. Language work in the chosen language will be geared towards teaching the students to a level appropriate for their year abroad, and will focus on "language for business". Year Three is spent either studying or working in a country where the chosen language is spoken and the main focus of this year is development of the language. However, students also gain an improved understanding of the cultural context of management in another country. Year Four features modules that are increasingly focused, allowing students more choice across a range of programme themes The year is underpinned by a compulsory dissertation, allowing students to investigate in depth an area of personal interest. Language work will build on the skills acquired overseas, and will again focus on "language for business".
Programme Outcomes
Students are expected to have Knowledge and Understanding of: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
A broad and analytical integrated study of business and management
Relevant knowledge and understanding of organisations including the role of individuals in organisations (internal aspects, functions and processes including diverse nature, purposes, structures, governance, operations and management).
Relevant knowledge and understanding of the external environment in which organisations operate including the role of business and individuals in society..
Relevant knowledge and understanding of management (processes, procedures , theories, models, frameworks, tasks and roles, together with rational analysis and other processes of decision making)
Within these 3 frameworks ( 2 - 4) (above) an understanding of markets, customers, finance, people, operation, information systems, communication and IT, business policy and strategy, contemporary pervasive issues and the broader international business environment.
The interrelationships among organisations and the external environment and the integration of these areas (economic, environmental, ethical, legal, political, sociological and technological - at local national and international levels)
The use of the language for purposes of understanding, expression and communication
Aspects of the culture, communities and societies where the language is used
Lectures, classes, case study work, webct online assignments and quizzes, presentations, self directed study, experiential learning; re 5 - 8 international study/work year
Exam, coursework, presentations, dissertation; overseas exams, essays and, for the work abroad option, the international year essay
Students are expected to have attained the following Skills and other Attributes: Which will be gained through the following Teaching and Learning methods: and assessed using the following methods:
The ability to think critically in relation to the knowledge base outlined above, the ability to analyse issues using differing theoretical viewpoints and synthesis these viewpoints
An understanding of how to approach and instigate effective discipline related problem solving and decision making using appropriate qualitative and quantitative skills
An understanding of how to produce and communicate convincing arguments, individually and in groups, across a range of channels, including orally and in writing.
The ability to interpret numerical data; knowledge of how to conduct commonly-used statistical analyses
Effective use of communication and IT across a range of relevant channels.
Effective self management
Reflective, adaptive and collaborative learning
Self awareness, openness and sensitivity to diversity
Teamwork, including leadership, team building influencing and project management skills
Effective listening, negotiation persuasion and presentation across a range of contemporary media.
Expertise in the broad discipline of Business Management, including an appreciation of discipline relevant research and an ability to conduct research in business and management issues, individually and as part of a team.
Ability to use the language creatively and precisely for a range of purposes and audiences
Ability to present material in the foreign language in written and oral form in a clear and effective manner
Lectures, classes, casestudy work, webct online assignments and quizzes, presentations, self directed study, language laboratories
Coursework, exam, group presentations, group work, essays, dissertation